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In this article, the author argues that there are psychological and biological constraints on our moral behaviour, rational decision-making and capacities to love. For example, low oxytocin levels can constrain our willingness to cooperate with others, and our capacity to maintain long-term loving relationships. There is also evidence that increasing iodine intake can improve a person's general intelligence, while drugs such as Modafinil can enhance cognitive performance. Savulescu argues that we have a moral obligation to remove those constraints, and that we ought to accept these methods of improving our moral behaviour, decision-making, and cognitive functioning.



Monash Bioeth Rev

Publication Date





04.1 - 0418


Antisocial Personality Disorder, Biomedical Enhancement, Criminal Psychology, Female, Freedom, Genetics, Behavioral, Humans, Impulsive Behavior, Male, Nootropic Agents, Object Attachment