Andrew Markus Scholar Lecture 2019: A Social Connection Theory of Justice for Global Health Equity
Dr Noah Rosenberg, Andrew Markus Scholar, Green Templeton College and Ethox Centre, Emergency Medicine doctor and Assistant Professor at the Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Wednesday, 27 November 2019, 6pm to 7.30pm
EP Abraham Lecture Theatre Green Templeton College 43 Woodstock Road Oxford OX2 6HG
Hosted by Green Templeton College. Please direct any questions to
How should one respond to gross injustice with no apparent cause? Andrew Markus Visiting Scholar Dr Noah Rosenberg will explore theories on approaching examples of injustice in the arena of global health. In such cases a clear culprit may exist, but the ability to satisfactorily pinpoint liability can be lost in a maze of associations—something is amiss and yet no one seems exceptionally blameworthy. Political theorist Iris Marion Young described a social connection theory of justice that holds to account all who dwell within unjust systems. The speaker will contextualize her theory with examples of global health inequity from Africa and discuss the meaning of individual responsibility for injustice outside the traditional liability model in this setting.
About The Speaker
Dr Noah Rosenberg is an emergency physician from the United States who works with underserved patient groups around the world, including crisis response to the Ebola epidemic in 2014 and long-term capacity development in Rwanda. He is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Alpert Medical School of Brown University and a former fellow at the Harvard Center for Bioethics. His research interests include structural injustice in global health.
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