EACME Annual Conference 2019
Thursday, 12 September 2019 to Saturday, 14 September 2019, 12pm - 1pm
12-14 September 2019, Oxford
The Ethox Centre and Welcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities at the Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, look forward to welcoming you from 12th-14th September 2019 to the 36th EACME conference in Oxford, on the theme of Rethinking Ethics in 21st Century Europe
The annual EACME conference presents an open platform for research contributions and debate about ethical issues in health care practices, policies, and medical sciences as well as new approaches in clinical ethics, research ethics and ethics teaching.
About the conference
Just as thinking in medical ethics has shaped medicine and medical sciences, developments in medicine and new technologies have also been shaping medical ethics since its beginning. Clinical and research practices have always had to be rethought and norms redefined in response to biomedical advances and social change. Developments in ethics, society and medicine are inseparable.
In the 20th Century, bioethics responded to developments in medical research, life extending treatments, assisted reproduction and to changing social attitudes to medical practitioners and paternalism. Through the development of concepts such as those of informed consent, confidentiality, minimal risk, duties of care and the idea of independent review of research, the 20th Century played an important role in ensuring that developments in medicine respected patients and commanded public trust. The emerging questions concerned boundaries of medical intervention or scientific research and respect for the patient or research participants.
Despite the valuable contributions made by 20th Century bioethics, in recent years, however, new challenges are being presented by advances in neuroscience, big data, genomics and global connectedness, and by their convergence. Personalised medicine and big data approaches are changing the focus of medicine and increasingly blur boundaries between clinical interventions and research activities. These developments raise important questions about the extent to which 20th Century ethics is fit for purpose.
We currently observe a shift in research agendas and a redefinition of normative as well as national boundaries in Europe, and beyond. These changes raise the question as to whether medical ethics in the 21st century needs to revisit its principles and approaches. Do we need to rethink bioethics for the 21st Century? The 2019 EACME conference in Oxford will respond to a pressing need for ethics, humanities and social sciences research on these new challenges.
Conference themes
Ethical and Social Impact of New Technologies
- Big Data
- Genomics
- Neuroscience
- Reproduction
(Re)defining Boundaries and Borders
- Regulation and law
- Education
- Infections and drug resistance
- Beyond Europe
Ethics in Contexts
- Austerities
- Emergencies
- Clinics
- Communities
(Re)thinking Traditions and Identities
- Rethinking Professions and Roles
- Patients and Publics
- Nature and Practice of Bioethics
- History, Politics and Values
Abstract submission
You can download our call for abstracts here.
The deadline for abstract submissions is 1st March 2019
Please click here to go to our online abstract submission form.
EACME Paul Schotsmans Prize
If you would like to give a talk at the conference and you are a PhD student, you could apply for an EACME Paul Schotsmans prize. A maximum of 3 prizes is available - 500 Euro each. The selection is based on your abstract that you send to the conference committee to be considered for presentation. The selection criteria are based on the scientific quality of your abstract, its coherence, innovativeness and research context. The selection is directed by the Bureau of EACME.
Further information
Contact details and further information: Mary Foulkes or Aileen Mooney: admin@ethox.ox.ac.uk
Congress president: Michael Parker
Scientific secretary: Ruth Horn
In addition, there will be two satellite meetings on the 11th September 2019:
- European Clinical Ethics Network (ECEN). Please contact Bert Molewijk: a.molewijk@vumc.nl
- European Network of the Cambridge Consortium for Bioethics Education. Please contact Yesim Isil Ulman: yesimul@yahoo.com